Teaching & Advocacy

Copy of LMSA Art+ Challenge Public Copy

The Art+ Challenge was created in March of 2020 at the onset of the Pandemic. The slides hold over three weeks worth of art activities and resources for learning at home. The self-paced challenges are easily adapted for learners grades 6-12 and also include family friendly activities that were designed for students who had to take on the role of caregiver for young family members when schools closed. All activities can be completed with basic materials found in most homes. I shared my slides with all art teachers in the Chicago Public Schools to help ease the difficult transition to Remote Learning.

2019 CTU Strike Art

Each time a Chicago sports team makes it to the playoffs the the lions at the Art Institute of Chicago are decorated with hats and helmets. What if the city showed the same love for its teachers?

Strike Sign: Class of 35 vs. Class of 25, 2019

Safe Return Illustrations